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learning to accept your journey for life

When You’re Not Where You Want to Be in Life

We live in a world where comparisons are constantly being made. While it’s normal and sometimes helpful to measure yourself against others, it can also be dangerous. Social media has made the comparison trap even worse, as people tend to compare their “real lives” to the “altered lives” of others. What this results in is discontentment in their own personal journeys. 

If you’re not where you want to be in life, don’t be discouraged. This is a normal part of being human, and it takes some positive changes to alter your mindset. Here are some important things to keep in mind when you feel like you’re falling behind.

Change Your Perspective 

The reality is that you don’t have control over a lot of things in life. Life happens, and you must know how to roll with the changes, so to speak. Before you fall in love, you may need to learn about yourself. Prior to landing a new position, you may require more experience. It’s important to realize that you can’t manipulate life, so you must embrace the journey.

To do this, you need to shift your perspective. If you focus on the things you don’t have, that void grows and you end up feeling worse about yourself. To change your perspective, ask yourself what things ARE working. Maybe you are moving forward in your career or paying off old debts. This fresh outlook allows you to work towards your goals while directing your attention to the growth in your life. 

Focus On Your Progress 

Even if you haven’t fulfilled some of the big milestones in life, this doesn’t mean your life is static. You are always moving forward and making progress. To see the growth you have made, take a look at where you were a year or two ago. What do you know today that you didn’t used to? How has your life improved? What skills and experiences have you gained? As you’ll quickly see, you are always moving forward in your life. 

Practice Gratitude 

When you practice gratitude, your attention is brought to the immediate moment – the here and now. This is the place where you can find inner peace and contentment. You can’t control the future, and you can’t return to the past, so what you can do is enjoy today. To make gratitude a priority, keep a gratitude journal that lists out the things you are grateful for. 

Be Open to Your Journey 

Life is a journey, and it’s different for everyone. Though you might not realize it, you are in the right place in your life. This doesn’t mean that everything is rosey, but it does mean that you are letting life happen the way it was meant to. Let go of the expectations you have for your life and embrace your unique path. There is nowhere you NEED to be right now but here. 

To accept where your life is today, you need to change your mindset. This is harder than it sounds, as you may be aware! To shift your perspective, get clarity and gain a positive outlook on life, book a psychic reading with Jack Rourke, a renowned psychic and medical intuitive. 

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